Saturday, January 17, 2009

Another wedding dinner...

just attended a wedding dinner of my secondary schoolmate: waikeng's. it's an ordinary one. i do enjoy the reunion with my secondary school friends alot.
i never think that i will sing the karaoke session in a wedding dinner but i did it tonight. i had duet with chui nam for 2 songs.. and i think i can sing well..haha
it's very different spending time with them. it brings me back to the good old days when i was young, naive and will do whatever b4 i think properly...
looking back at all these years, i have changed. i've change to someone who thinks carefully before i do something. i will think of lots of consequences and i dare not take a step further. i have change to someone who prefer low profile.. not as high tune as b4. i don't know this is for good or for bad...
i am thinking why i've changed..bcoz i am getting older or bcoz i am well trained by kw till i become docile?
which is my real personality? i am confused....



G9H10 said...
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~MoMo*Chin~ said...

BeautyChock, it's not called docile, thinking twice b4 u act is actually a good n habit. Reduces many unnecessary problems... =)

G9H10 said...

BeautyChock, I too think it is a good change :-) It is a more mature way of doing things :-)